grace students

Grace Student Ministry is a safe space for students to deepen their understanding of theology, relationships within their peer groups, and display an active faith within the church body as well as their own communities.

Grace Students is 6th-12th grade. 

Every Sunday morning is 9am-10am, except 5th Sunday’s, we meet in the Youth Room. This is a time to studying God's word and discussion. We meet corporately and than we move into Breakout Groups based on age and sex groups. (Junior High boys, Junior High girls, High School boys, High School girls).

MidWeek is every Wednesday from 6:00pm-8pm, unless otherwise communicated (we do Thanksgiving and Christmas parties from 6-8pm). We do live worship, message, break into Junior High and High School discussion groups and we play a game to end the evening.

Have questions?  Contact us at


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